Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Receive Reiki Attunement / Aura / Kundalini

1. Pray God that attunement process runs smoothly.
2. Upright sitting posture / cross-legged and should not be leaning against the wall.
3. Disconnect all metal objects in the fingers and hands. (Except that using pen and braces)
4. Palms open on pahaatau put in front of the thigh.
5. Relax your body and relax all.
6. Breathe deeply three times and relax from head to toe.
7. intention: "I'M READY TO RECEIVE REIKI Attunement .... (specify type) LEVEL .. (specify level) WITH PERFECT".
8. When you have 15 minutes and shake your body shake hands.
9. Do feel the Reiki energy.

Performed after the attunement:
Feel the Reiki energy for a new start first Reiki attunement.
1. Relax and relax
3. Palms gently shaken just about 10 seconds.
4. The position of the hands on the thighs.
5. Intention: "Energize Reiki"
6. Feel Reiki energy flows through the Chakras Palms and your fingers.
7. Afterwards you make energy distribution throughout the body.

Energy distribution is done after the first level Reiki attunement:
Channeling doing this for 21 days.
2.Berdoa religion followed suit.
3.Aktifkan chakras the crown chakra and the palm of your hand. Reasonably intended course and stick your hands over the chakra to be activated. When in doubt activation could be repeated two times.
4.niatkan to channel Reiki energy and feel the energy.
5.Tempel your hands in a position that has been taught or perceived need. For each position approximately 3-5 minutes.

 Feel the energy of Reiki:
1.Rileks, relaxed and try to smile for a moment.
2.Pray Thanks God
3.Channel to Reiki energy.
4.Feel Reiki energy flows through the Chakras Palms and your fingers.
5.Feel Reiki energy when you do the channeling of energy throughout the body.

Energy distribution:
This distribution is intended to a place where the patient feels pain.
3.Put your hands on the area and the patient complained to the Reiki energy channeled back, relax and let go. Distributes approximately 10 minutes.
4.Flow 2 times only, if the pain still feels instruct the patient to sleep or rest. After it is usually the patient will feel better.

Channeling energy to another person:
1.Bersihkan palms.
2.Pray ask help from Allah. Patients also pray.
Crown Chakra Chakras 3.Aktifkan and your palms.
4.Activate crown chakra aura patients and open the front and rear.
5.Relax and release palms shake.
6.DO channel Reiki energy to the patient.
7.setelah front, starting with the back.
8.Bila finished trim aura patients.
9.Praktisi and patients pray the energy he gives.
10.Pasien stood slowly and enjoy life.
11.Praktisi MUST wash their hands or use a wet tissue or with soap or antis

Balancing Yin Yang (15 minutes):
1.Shock the palms of your hands 3 times.
2.Posisi could stand or sit.
3.Rileks and relaxed.
4.Niatkan to channel Reiki and feel the energy flowing in your fingers and the palm of your hand.
5.The you feel the energy of Reiki is very gentle, Squeeze your hands with Affirmation:
"Reiki energy flows from the left hand right throughout the body, and the energy flowing from your right hand throughout the left side of the body".
6.Pejamkan eyes and let the Reiki energy flowing move by itself.

Reiki Meditation:
1.sit, relax and relax.
2.Do channel Reiki energy and feel the Reiki energy flowing smooth your palms.
3.Put both your palms on your thighs with your palms position facing the earth. Then intend that Reiki energy flows from the left hand to the left side of the body and circulate through the palms of the Reiki energy to flow throughout the body right hand to the right.
4.Dan close your eyes and point your attention on your heart chakra. This position can bring you in a state of Alpha and Tetha.

Chakra Balancing:
1. Sit upright and relaxed
2. Put your right hand on the crown chakra and the left hand on the base chakra.
3. Intention: "Balance the crown chakra and my base chakra".
4. Feel Reiki energy flows toward the second chakra.
5. After 5-10 minutes of hands with ease.
Note: Do it at a) the crown chakra and the base chakra b) sex chakra and the throat chakra, heart chakra and ajna chakra and the ajna chakra and ajna chakras belekang. To stabilize the Ajna chakra balancing emotions guanakan front and rear.

Reiki channeled into drinking water, food:
Reiki energy can be streamed kemakanan, drinks and drugs.
1. Take a glass of water (in Reiki, very good to drink water after treating or treated).
2. Put the glasses on the table or hold a glass and put your hands on the glass.
3. Intend to drain the energy of Reiki that patients recover from negative energy and healthy again.

ADMISSION PROCEDURE opening / attunement / shaktipat aura / reiki / kundalini (close your EYES)

Meditation position

1. Pray according religion believed. Sit upright and crosslegged (can also sit the bench)
2. Position open arms placed above the knee.
3. Center yourself on the left chest in 2 fingers below the nipple (sorry) a little while and then focus ourselves on the third eye which is located between the eyebrows.
4. Keep yourself in the aura / reiki / kundalini
5. Smiled for a moment and intentions
"I am ready to accept the opening / attunement / shaktipat aura / reiki / my kundalini"
"O Allah, I beg opening / attunement / shaktipat aura / reiki / kundalini me".
"Ya Allah enable opening / attunement / shaktipat aura / reiki / kundalini With your permission Ya Allah"
5. Enjoy the sensation.
6. Process takes 15 minutes. When sdh 15 min 10 min also directly meditation and the process is complete.

AFTER RECEIVING opening / attunement / shaktipat
Meditation position

1. Bring your palms together in front of chest, eyes closed and intentions:
"Align opening / attunement / shaktipat aura / reiki / kundalini and energy that is inside my body".
2. Feel the energy flowing from the palms of the hands and spread throughout the body. Bahtin feel pressure on the eyes and the third eye is slowly getting soft and full of positive energy.
3. After 10 minutes opened his eyes slowly.

1. Do not forget to pray before opening.
2. Intentions and sincere.
3. Passive. Focus means opening sensation. Not on meditation sensation example: there agan or sis tunnel and enter into it. The inevitable first.
Exercise for the day-to-day

EXERCISE REFINING / STRENGTHENING opening / attunement / shaktipat aura / reiki / kundalini

1. Sitting cross-legged or bench. Which may not be strong leaning.
2. Hands placed on the knees and opened up.
3. Intention "
"O God, please strengthen Servant opening / attunement / shaktipat aura / reiki / kundalini perfect servant to open".
4. Concentrate on one finger under the left chest (sorry) nipples.
5. Kearea originally intended for the eyes of TSB. When ordinary sdh no longer need.
6. Close your eyes and feel the warm air outside and inside.
7. Imagine a light purple dash area TSB and continues to be bright until golden.
8. When is enough for you and wants to end the practice, after that unite and put your palms on the Ajna (stick) and say Alhamdulillah / Thank God / Thank You Thank You. Amen.
9. Training phase is completed.

Seeing Ourselves Aura:
1. Standing before a mirror with a white fluorescent lamp.
2. Take a breath and relax your eyes 3 times.
3. Look in the mirror in the head and shoulder area with protruding eyes relaxed and do not want to see emotion or fast.
4. Usually the color will look white light
5. Stare continue until we find some other color.

Seeing Higher Self (Personal High):
1. Standing before a mirror with a white fluorescent lamp.
2. Take a breath and relax your eyes 3 times.
3. Look in the mirror and look towards to the Ajna (between the two eyebrows) with with ease.
4. When viewing jgn release other than the direction of the view towards the Ajna and hold meleknya. If not blink and hold strong.
5. Gradually we face will change starting from the eyebrows up reply ketarik.
6. It happened just dicermin alone. But physically teteap us.
7. If dah afraid it over with.

1. Seated position on a bench or under cross-legged.
2. Open palms facing upwards and place it on top of the thigh.
3. Rotate the base chakra clockwise.
4. Play it again 2 times faster and the feeling started to heat up.
5. Intend to re-activate the kundalini fire.
6. Feel the heat energy and fire that slowly cleaning up sushumna and the chakras that path.
7. Perform cleaning per disc for 3 minutes from the base chakra to the crown chakra.
8. After all chakras cleaned intend that kundalini fire back to perenium / ren point / huyin.

Clean the disc:
1. Sitting cross-legged or sit on the bench and stand in a relaxed state agency.
2. Pray first that chakra cleansing process is going well.
3. Palms on thighs and pointing upwards.
4. Set Rev breath 3 times and his hands up to form the letter V.
5. Intention "Ya Allah give me positive energy to clean my chakras".
6. Feel your hands will feel full of energy.
7. Lower the arm back to the starting position and the energy that has been gathering at the hands forming the letter V is introduced to the crown chakra.
8. After feeling the energy the intention: "Clean me up to the crown chakra and create spinning core cakranya stronger and expand"
9. Typically 3-5 minutes. But depending on the needs agan and sis.
10. Then proceed to the Ajna chakra, throat, heart, navel, ceks and basic.
11. Once the base chakra finished cleaning. Open your eyes and thank God that the cleaning process is complete.

Sensitivity training hand:
1. Rub your palms until hot and put it in front of the chest.
2. Relax your body and arms all.
3. Place the palms face each other and leaving 5 cm tenuous.
4. Feel the breath out when it will make both hands to open slowly.
5. When it opened 30 cm in trying to slowly feel like there are balloon.
6. This intervenes every day I'll be able to feel the energy.

Grounding (discharge negative energy):
1. Sitting cross-legged position, bench or standing.
2. Stretch both your palms with the hands up to form the letter V. Feel the energy that flows and perlahan2 point hands down and palm toward the floor.
3. Intention to myself:
"Ya Allah please remove all diseases and all the negative energy that is dibadan me and out through the palms of my hands and my feet chakras."
4. After the intention, imagine light blue color comes from the top and flows into the crown chakra flow throughout the body and then to the foot.
5. Feel the energy flowing with swift.
6. All the dirty energy will come out of the palm of our hands and feet. Whenever there is an unusual ailment then ditelapak hands will feel sore and a sense punctured.
7. Do at least 10 minutes.

Meditation strengthening energy and take energy from nature:
1. Sitting cross-legged or sit on the bench and standing within the relaxed state agency.
2. Pray that the process of strengthening energy progressing well.
3. Palms on thighs and pointing upwards.
4. Intend to draw positive energy from the sky through the crown chakra.
5. Imagine the light on and measuki crown chakra and slowly dropped into the middle tantien (1-3 fingers below the solar plexus).
6. Put positive energy in the energy bag and imagine energy Numismatist increasingly stronger.
7. Sis Once agan and feel full then take a breath and imagine the energy that is in tantien spread throughout our bodies to form the shell of the egg is colored bright blue and gold colored outside it.
8. After the egg shell is formed energy continue to attract positive energy and last up to pebuh process is complete.

Note: - do this meditation every day so that the body feel strong and energized.
- For those who can not imagine living color intentions alone.

Meditation sun / moon full moon:
1. sitting posture or bench. hands on thighs facing upwards.
2. Close your eyes and intentions and intend activate crown chakra:
"I will meditate sun / moon to strengthen the aura and make myself become brighter again and filled with energy and compassion Compassion". ".
3. Then intention to withdraw the full moon light energy.
4. There is a full moon Visual 1 meter above our heads.
5. Imagine the sun / moon emits white light and into the crown chakra and spread to the ajna.
6. While sucking breath focus to Ajna.
7. Then Say Thanks God repeatedly while sucking up to the light and the ajna until the process is complete
8. after slowly open your eyes and put your palms together in advance as org're washing your face.

1. Compassion that function this way to see our org is always good and comfortable.
2. process 15 minutes. body will feel cold when the process is going well.

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